Thursday, 7 February 2013

Learning Log homework

In keeping with SID2013, I would like you to think about e-safety.
You can present your work creatively sharing messages about being respectful online.
Here are photos of learning logs from last year.


  1. Hi,love the video about a monster being a bully. Lets hope people who are bullies see that vide it will make them realise what they are doing!!

    from Lois

  2. i know what that film means and it means. It means don't bully on the internet or face to face because none of your friends will like youn either way. That Monster janged it which meant he started being nice so everyone liked him again.

    from callum

  3. Room 11 enjoyed watching your internet safety video and the animations were clever. We are learning about internet safety as well. From Nicola

  4. Room 11 enjoyed watching your internet safety video and the animations were clever. We are learning about internet safety as well. From Nicola

  5. I really like the picture os the monsters because they are fluffy and colourful.
    from Nicola

  6. I liked the bullying vidio and I think people should stop bullying because they will allways get cout from lewis

  7. Miss Warner it very helped a lot about internet safty. Josh
