Thursday, 21 February 2013

Shadow Forest

Our class read at the moment is Shadow Forest by Matt Haig. We are loving it so far!

Here is a link to the Shadow Forest website. It is full of really interesting things to find out.

I found these questions on the website. Can you answer them?

1. Norway is a very beautiful country but at first Samuel hates living there? Why do you think this is?

2. Why does Samuel shout at his sister on page 55? And at what point does his opinion change of her?

3. Martha's silence is brought on by the sudden death of her parents. Can you find an instance where her silence brings danger to both herself and Samuel?

4 Can you spot the clues that give away Samuel has visited Norway before?


  1. I really like the Shadow Forest Website it has lots of fun and interesting things to do and play.

    Ayisha ;)

  2. Aunt Eda's 11th rule is don't wast time on the computer and do homework.

