Thursday, 10 November 2011

Simile poetry

Last week we read a picture book called Under the bed by Paul Bright

The children described the monsters they saw and had a go at writing some simile poems. 
The monsters that once lived in their imaginations came to life on paper. 

You can see Bailey's monster on the W.A.G.O.L.L page.

Today the class typed their poems and explored the effect they could get just by changing the font and size.

Here are some photos of the finished pieces. 

I am so proud of everyone, they worked extremely hard and really enjoyed this activity. 

I am pleased none of these monsters are real, I would never get to sleep! 

Frightening or what?!


  1. Dear Year 4,

    Your simile poems made me as happy as a clown. I was kept as interested as a baby with a new toy. :)

    I liked the way you varied the fonts. Changing the size and font can make certain words stand out. Using BOLD text or words in italics can also highlight words as can changing colours.

    All of your work is wonderful. If I were your teacher, I would feel like and Olympian winning a gold medal to have students produce such work.

    Well done, everyone. :)

    Ross Mannell (teacher)
    NSW, Australia

  2. It was cool.James.Y4

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Year 4,
    Just a short note to say how pleased and surprised I was with your ICT work yesterday and NOW your the talk of Australia!!!!

  5. they made my brother lagh from hannah
