Thursday 6 September 2012

Would you like to be part of the Student Council?

Are you interested in becoming the Class Councillor?

There are two vacancies
If you are interested you need to plan a presentation for Tuesday 12th September.  

Your presentation will need to include:
·        why you are the best person for the job
·        why people should vote for you

Your presentation needs to be in the style of a speech and you will need to persuade your class mates to vote for you.
Please note, if you are successful you will have to commit to attending breakfast meetings. These will be fortnightly and start at 8am.


  1. Hello Year 4,

    Having been involved with Student Councils over the years, I must say this is a wonderful opportunity to have a say in some of the things happening in your school. Teachers and school principals seriously consider suggestions made by Student Council. While not all might be achievable, your ideas can have a voice.

    Take this opportunity seriously. You can make a difference.

    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  2. Apologies for the incorrect date, it should read; Tuesday 11th September.
